Sunday, October 6, 2019

Google: Overly Dominate or Purely Genius?

Overly dominant or purely genius? Google has become such a large company and search engine that it currently controls all of the information we look up and has even dived into the smartphone and laptop industry. Google is not only just a website to look up facts and statistics, they now produce electronics such as the Google Home Smart Speaker, the Pixel 3 phone and Pixelbook laptop. Advertisers pay Google hundreds of thousands of dollars to have their articles and research in the Google search engine.
    This has raised the question on is Google overly dominant? The article attached to this blog talks about how 48 U.S. States launched an antitrust investigation into Google. People are arguing that Google holds too much power in the online advertising market for they give the top results page to the advertisers who pay Google the most money; not necessarily the most credible sources.
    Another issue that has risen is the impact that Google is having on smaller companies. Google focuses heavily on their larger companies without giving smaller companies a chance, putting their businesses at risk. Google has become so large that it has basically started to control all aspects of the internet, which a lot of people have claimed to be unfair and overly dominant.
    In my opinion, Google is not doing anything necessarily wrong. They are using their power to produce and grow even more, which all companies would do if they were in their position. I understand why these people may be upset but realistically Google is so large that they have the right to pick and choose who they want to work with and who they believe will benefit their company even more. However, I do agree with the public that Google should give smaller companies a little more of a chance when getting into their search engine because some of that information could be beneficial as well. In the end, it is up to Google how they want to run their company. 

I have attached the article I talked about in this blog. Click here to read!

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