Saturday, October 5, 2019

Instagram Means Business!

Technology has not only rapidly advanced within the last 20 years, it has really taken off within the last 7-10 years. I did a presentation on the social media platform, Instagram. Instagram is an app where users are free to post whatever photos or videos they would like to express themselves and their lives.
     Instagram was launched strictly on iPhones in October of 2010. By 2012, there were 80 million users on the app which made it popular enough to be downloaded on iPhones and Androids. Fast forward to one year later, Instagram gained 150 million users and introduced a new form of communication within the app called insta direct message. Insta direct message allows users to send posts to each other in a private chat that only they can view and allows users to message other users on the app like a text message. In 2019, Instagram currently holds over 150 million active users and estimates roughly 55 million pictures posted and 1.2 billion likes on the app everyday.
     I believe that Instagram has been a revolutionary app that has allowed family and friends to stay connected, has allowed people to express themselves freely and has turned into an investment for businesses and sponsors. People can make a living by posting on Instagram through sponsorships and promotions. However, a major negative effect that Instagram has had is the impact on mental health. A study was found that users who use Instagram daily are more likely to develop feelings of loneliness or lowered self esteem. This is because people only post what they want people to see and may come across as having a “perfect” life which brings other people down about their lives. Aside from this, I believe that Instagram is a great invention and still has so much room to grow.
Click here for a link talking a little more in depth about the history of Instagram. Enjoy!

This picture shows the updates of Instagram's logo over time.

This picture is an example of an Instagram advertisement

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