Today’s society depends so much on their cellular devices that now even the generations who grew up without them are questioning how they ever went so long without a cell phone. Cell phones have advanced rapidly over the past decade and have gotten to the point where everything people could ever need is in their hand: information, communication with friends and family, news, TV, etc. Although this has been a blessing, it has been a curse as well. Society is so addicted to these devices that we depend on them more than we depend on other human beings.
The Mad Work Remix of Moby video presents us with this in a dark, twisted way. However, it is only twisted because none of what is included in the video is false. It is actually unbelievable how this is really the world in which we currently live. The video presents us with a young boy without a cell phone who is shorter than everyone else and is the only one who has real emotions towards things going on in the world. He gets bumped into and stepped on in the crowd because no one will take their eyes off their cell phones to look up. The video is in black and white to show how nothing has emotion or “color” because people are too consumed by their devices. Some examples used were a regular girl in her room who instantly becomes a model when she gets behind her cell phone, demonstrating editing and filtering. Another is two people on a date that are not even acknowledging each other because they both are too busy responding to texts. Lastly, another example was how everyone was recording a deadly fight and posting it, instead of being willing to help stop the fight. These are three examples used in the video that we see everyday in our society.
I think that the video is genius and does a great job portraying what we are going through as a society. While I do believe that cell phones have a lot of good that comes out of them, I agree that they can also turn people into walking zombies.
Click here for the link to the video! It’s only 3 minutes and worth the watch.